Personal API Key

I read an interesting blog post yesterday by Albert Wagner of USV. In it he talks about the impact that many new companies are having with freelancers as traditional employment is falling. And while these marketplaces are growing, the biggest influence will be access to the information they employ (with the marketplaces winning since they will have access to all of their information). His suggestion is an individualized API key that would have the right to access full read/write capabilities in the marketplaces system that the user can then see via an application. Or as he put it, it will be the right of the individual to be represented as an algorithm. My thoughts immediately started thinking about how this could be done via blockchain technology but I will have to look more into that idea.

I am currently working on an essay about the "increasing returns" that information can bring to a company and should have it posted within the week. If you are interested, you can check out Albert's essay here.