
An idea is not a mockup

A mockup is not a prototype

A prototype is not a program

A program is not a product

A product is not a business

And a business is not profits

-Balaji S. Srinivasan from Startup Engineering

I've been working at a smalls startup now for almost close to four years and although it has in no way shape or form ever gone down the celebrated path you hear or read about in the press, it has definitely been a learning experience for me. Over the past couple of years I have iterated over a couple ideas that I have prototyped in the Bitcoin space (BlockShare.IO, and a news aggregator called CoinGazr that became a little too convoluted but I am thinking of return to work on.) and the music space (MusicGenius, and my boutique record label Context + Form Digital) and I love the process of taking an idea and trying to bring it to life. I have some other ideas floating and I hope to build on those over the next months as well. And I really hope to turn some of those into